Front End Web Developer
Dec 2016 – Nov 2018
About Client:
KPN is the owner of the fixed telephone operations (FLO) network and is the market leader in the mobile networkoperators. KPN provides Internet service under its own brand name KPN Internet, under the brand name Telfort.KPN also started offering digital terrestrial television in the Netherlands as part of its multi-play services via itssubsidiary KPN Digitenne.
LION project is an OSS transformation project of KPN where it aims to fulfill various requirements oftelecommunications world like providing services in real-time, one-time fulfillment, great quality of service,simplified use of services, improved time of the market, decoupling customer from network dynamics which leadsto a simplified OSS.KPN’s Mobile and Data projects include numerous change requests, business request, networkregression related to Mobile(Voice,MMS,SMS,Roaming) and Data(GPRS,3G,4G) .
Under the LION program worked in MEH Team in which we built an E2E monitoring Tool.

Contribution :
●  Created UI/UX Design using Adobe XD.
●  Created SPA using React, JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
●  Implemented State Management Using Redux.
●  Used D3.js to create own Graphs and charts.
●  Implemented Automated UT using JEST.

And the application is based on micro services architecture.
And hosted on private cloud.
Hence gained the knowledge of Docker and Kuberenetes.

Awards and Recognition

●  Awarded with "Bravo" twice, given to appreciate the amazing contribution towards the project.
●  Runner up of KPN Badminton Championship.

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